Artist Alley
Offering a place for artists to share their work with attendees, Artist Alley is an integral part of Animinitime and so no Animinitime could be complete without it! The place to go to see the creativity of fellow attendees shine.
Rules and Regulations
SECTION I :: Behaviour
Please be mindful of fellow attendees and Artist Alley members at all times. Please remember this is a family-oriented convention and you are expected to conduct yourself accordingly. Lewd behavior, offensive remarks, rudeness and violence toward others will not be tolerated. The general rules of the convention apply at Artist Alley at all times, as well as everywhere in the convention.
If you have a problem with an Artist or attendee, speak with a staff member as soon as possible so that we can deal with the situation. We want to make sure that everyone is comfortable and enjoying themselves as much as possible for the duration the convention.
SECTION II :: Artists
You must be 16 years of age or older to purchase an Artist Alley badge, but those under the age of 16 may sit at a table with a badge they are given permission to wear by the purchaser. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a legal guardian sign for their badge for legality purposes. As per convention policy, any child under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a legal guardian at all times.
You are responsible for your own belongings. The staff and volunteers at Animinitime are not responsible for any loss, damage or theft of your property. This includes, but is not limited to, your art/merchandise, money, supplies or personal belongings. We recommend that you do not leave your things unattended. If for any reason you must leave the Alley, we strongly advise you to bring your belongings with you, or ask the artist sitting next to you to watch your table. You may also choose to leave some of your belongings in Artist Alleys after the alley closes on Friday and Saturday night, as the doors will be locked. However, we recommend you bring all money and expensive materials with you. All decisions pertaining to an artist's belongings are at their own discretion and risk.
In the event that you are sharing your spot with another artist, only one of you may be at the table at a time. This is to avoid over-crowding. For those sharing two spots, you will be given two badges but the same rules apply. You must have your AA badge with you to be seated at the table, no exceptions. Only those whose names are written on the badge at the time of AA registration will be allowed to sit at the corresponding spot with the badge.
Your display must remain contained within the space provided to you. That means that your art should not infringe on any other artists' space. Please be mindful of how much room you are taking up, and if you are eating/drinking in the alley, keep it in your own space so as not to put other's Artwork at risk. This also extends to the space in front of your tables. All artists are responsible for making sure none of their belongings are anywhere but behind or on the tables so as not to get in the way, or risk being ruined by, attendees walking in the aisles.
You are welcome to listen to music at your table, provided that it is kept at a reasonable volume. If any attendees or neighboring artists find it disruptive, you may be asked to turn it off.
Animinitime Staff reserves the right to remove your Artist Alley privileges, ask you to leave the Alley or the Convention, etc at any time, with or without warning if:
- You are found selling any artwork in violation of copyright laws
- Your behavior is not in compliance with convention and AA rules and/or is disruptive to the enjoyment of others attending the convention.
- You have allowed a minor to view or purchase pornographic materials
Staff members will generally give a warning before asking someone to leave or removing their privileges, but this is at the sole discretion of the Staff and depends on the severity of the offense. If you are unsure about whether your artwork may be in violation of copyright laws or Animinitime policy, do not hesitate to ask a staff member at any time.
SECTION III :: Copyrights
Fan art is perfectly acceptable as long as it is an original piece of the artist's own creation. Print offs of another artist's artwork are not allowed and will not be tolerated. For example, printing something someone has found on the internet and selling it on key chains, buttons or as prints. This rule also extends to the selling of artwork that is a direct copy of an existing piece, be It official image or something found online. These will not be tolerated and will result in the confiscation of the items and possible removable from Artist Alley and the convention itself for the offending party.
Section IV :: Mature Content
No art containing nudity, sexual activity or graphic violence is allowed at both Animinitime 2010. Art that depicts sexual activities or heavt violence will not be tolerated. This includes both characters from any fandom and original characters.